Embracing Generalism in Private Practice: A Pathway to Creative Problem-Solving and Career Versatility 

Embracing Generalism in Private Practice: A Pathway to Creative Problem-Solving and Career Versatility 

Clinical Excellence

Clinical Excellence

Clinical Excellence

Feb 5, 2024

Feb 5, 2024

Feb 5, 2024

Blog #011

Blog #011

Blog #011

When I first ventured into the realm of private practice, the conventional wisdom “Pick a specialty” was echoed everywhere I turned. However, this advice never fully resonated with me. Why? Because I discovered that thriving as a generalist, or embracing multiple specialties, was where my true potential lay.

David Epstein, in his thought-provoking book “Range,” presents a compelling case for the generalist approach, illustrating how it fosters creativity and enhances our problem-solving capabilities. This perspective isn’t meant to diminish the value specialists bring to their fields but to shine a light on the unique strengths that generalists possess. For those still navigating their professional path, remember: it’s perfectly fine to explore and embrace the breadth of your interests.

Taking inspiration from Epstein’s use of sports analogies, let’s consider the process of discovering your specialty akin to finding your favorite sport. You start by sampling a range, from skiing to soccer to rock climbing, gradually narrowing down to what genuinely captivates you. This exploratory journey is not limited to athletics but extends to professional realms, including allied health professions like speech-language pathology, physical therapy, or occupational therapy, among others. Whether your interest spans from working with toddlers to assisting adults, the key is to embrace the journey, allowing your diverse experiences to guide you to your niche.

This concept of cross-training in our personal and professional lives reminds me of a revelation from my days as an avid yoga practitioner. A peer, who seemed to achieve new yoga milestones effortlessly, shared that her secret wasn’t more yoga but weightlifting. This insight was a lightbulb moment for me—progress in our chosen fields can be significantly influenced by experiences and skills acquired outside them.

Just as weightlifting unexpectedly enhanced yoga performance, stepping outside our professional comfort zones can lead to greater versatility, innovation, and effectiveness. Whether it’s adopting a new hobby, learning a different discipline, or exploring unfamiliar challenges, these experiences enrich our professional practice in unforeseen ways.

So, to my fellow generalists, specialists, and everyone in between: let’s continue to push the boundaries of our fields, draw inspiration from the world around us, and embrace the journey of lifelong learning. After all, the most creative solutions and breakthroughs often come from the most unexpected places.


IDEO U Blog -  Generalist vs. Specialist: Choosing a Path for Career Success

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